System Shock is a complete remake of the genre defining classic from 1994 built by a team of industry veterans. Remember Citadel.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
January Update
about 5 years ago
– Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 11:53:54 PM
Happy New Year Hackers!
Last month we unveiled a demo on Steam for backers and for those who haven't been able to play, we streamed it earlier this week:
Disclaimer: The demo was sent out through Backerkit to Steam backers, if you believe that you were supposed to receive it and have not, contact the Community Manager on Discord:
December Update V2
about 5 years ago
– Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 01:06:37 AM
Hello backers! It’s Stephen from Nightdive with a very special Holiday update!
We understand that many backers did not have an opportunity to take part in the 48 hour VGA/Steam demo and we wanted to remedy that as soon as possible, so…
Check your emails for your System Shock Demo Steam key!
We’ve spent the last week working on the demo and we’ve dramatically improved performance so even if you did play the demo you’ll want to hop in and try again!
Just some notes:
There is no time limit, you will have access to this demo until launch
This is still in an alpha state, there are bugs, missing features, etc.
The demo will be periodically updated with new features and fixes until the Medical level is 100% complete, so check back often
You are free to stream, record, and share your playthrough in any way you want
We don’t plan on releasing this demo on GOG or any other platform
Please post your feedback in the “pre-alpha-demo” channel in the SYSTEM SHOCK REMAKE section on our official Discord
Also, the Steam Winter Sale is in full swing, so if there are any other Nightdive titles on your wishlist now is the time to pick them up!
December Update
about 5 years ago
– Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 12:58:38 AM
Big news for this month!
To coincide with the Video Game Awards and Steam's first Game Festival, we will be releasing a playable demo of System Shock! This demo will be going live on the 12th at 10 am PST and will be up for 48 hours (longer for you backers!).
November Update
over 5 years ago
– Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 01:46:13 AM
Welcome back to another monthly System Shock update!
We have quite a variety of things to show you this month, hackers. Let's start with some in-engine views of the levels.
Characters Update
Here is an update on the Virus Mutant enemy, one of the most abjectly disgusting creatures on Citadel Station.
Getting started, we have some samples of his sprites from the original game.
He even managed to make an appearance in the title screen!
Then we have Robb's update for the remake. The final design underwent a lot of tweaks to visually tie him more to the non-viral Humanoids, but this concept was the primary guide to his overall look.
We showed the hi-poly model of the Virus Mutant in a previous update, but here's the final low-poly topology along with some untextured renderings from within 3d Studio Max.
And some images of the Virus Mutant in Substance Painter, along with his UV layout. To keep with our chunky, retro-themed texture style, the Viral Mutant, like most of our human-sized characters, fits within a single 512x512 texture.
Also, here are some untextured shots of the final topology for the Cyborg Assassin, whose UVs are currently being finalized. Due to his sheer amount of gear and implants, the model's surface area is large enough to justify getting a 1024x1024 texture.
Concept Corner
During these updates, we like to show you the amazing concept work from Robb Water's before we get into the nitty-gritty of it coming together in-engine.
Shown above is a sneak peek into what you will be seeing in the upcoming updates for the Systems Engineering level! One thing that is great to appreciate is the mood and coloring of moving between the levels of Citadel Station.
Now that you have seen the final Virus Mutant model, why not start to picture this lovely mutant, the Cyborg Mutant.
One of the great things about bringing Citadel Station to life into a modern engine is that we can create the larger props and bots that were not possible in the 90's. The lift bot only makes sense for immersive world-building!
That concludes this months update, what would you want to see next time?
October Update
over 5 years ago
– Tue, Oct 08, 2019 at 02:18:02 AM
On Citadel, no one can hear you scream...
As you work your way through Citadel and through SHODAN's creations, don't forget that you are in Saturn's orbit. Outside you will be able to view Saturn with real-time lighting within an unlit shader, so you will be able to see the Sun's rotation and the lighting changes.
Character Art
On the character art front, we have some more examples of low-poly models textured in the chunky, low-res style we demonstrated last month. Here’s a few shots of each in Substance Painter along with their UV layouts.
The upgraded male Humanoid Mutant in his natural state. Most Humanoids will be encountered wearing ruined crew uniforms, but there will be rare instances of naked specimens for added visual variety.
Here is the female Humanoid Mutant, who is apparently a bit more modest than her male counterpart.
The Invisomutant! Much of this creature’s look will be dependent on in-engine shaders and effects, but here is a glimpse of its raw textured state with some simple emissive and opacity maps applied.
Robb Waters’s concept work for the Invisomutant, who now combines elements of the original Invisomutant and the Zero-G mutant into one enemy type.
The Autobomb, now redesigned as a sleek and glossy delivery system of death.
Next, revised and tweaked version of the Cyborg Drone we showed a few months ago, with an improved UV layout that better supports our visual style.
Lastly, the Cyborg Surgeon, here to assist Citadel crewmembers on their SHODAN-mandated Transhumanist journey!
Concept Art
Ready for some sick jumps to impress SHODAN? Well here is a first look at the Turbo Boots and Jump Jets!
Maybe the X Games will make a BIG come back in the future.
Above we have Robb's concept on the Data Reader, while below we have it in action.
Studios News
CEO Stephen Kick guested on the Nintendo Duel Screen podcast this week, give it a listen: