
System Shock

Created by Nightdive Studios

System Shock is a complete remake of the genre defining classic from 1994 built by a team of industry veterans. Remember Citadel.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

April Update
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Apr 06, 2018 at 11:57:41 PM

General Update from Hiatus 

Hey everyone, it’s Stephen from Nightdive with the latest update. The last few weeks have been challenging, but at the same time it’s been enlightening. As some of you know I’ve been spending more and more time with the community in Discord answering questions and making reassurances that yes, we are still developing the game. I’ve also been speaking and interacting with many of you one on one so as to better understand how the latest news impacted you and your feelings towards the project. The vast majority of you agree that we are doing the right thing and that what you want is a high quality game that adheres closely to the vision of the original System Shock rather than the reinterpretation that we were previously working toward.

We had a brief respite, and took the time necessary to make some tough decisions which included saying goodbye to some of the developers that you’ve come to know through past updates. What we’re left with is a concentrated team that consists of the original developers who worked on the Unity demo. With that said, let’s take a look at the work we’re doing.





So what does this mean?

It means we’ve gone back to the original vision we shared with you at the start of our Kickstarter campaign - this time with more reliable performance and higher fidelity visuals thanks to the Unreal Engine.

Are we starting over, is this all that’s done?

No, we’re not starting over. We have been able to re-use the majority of work we’ve done over the past year and we’re making significant progress in a very short amount of time. With that said we’ll be inviting our highest tier backers to privately test the game beginning in September at which point we estimate that the game will be fully playable, from start to finish. The majority of the art won’t be finished, but we’ll be ready to start high-level testing.

What else is changing?

Along with the return to the previous art style and overall direction, the audio department is also re-re-re-examining their priorities, and drawing new conclusions. I’ll let Jon take it from here...  

Hey folks. I'm very excited to be able to show off this suite of some of the various pieces of music from the medical deck.


Since the beginning of System Shock, it's been my job to take the music from System Shock 1 and figure out how to capture that in a more modern way. I don't think we hit that in the music for the Kickstarter demo, and since then I've been able to more thoroughly explore what a modernization of System Shock 1's music means without losing the heart of the music. Its music, though limited by the technology of MIDI in its original form, was very inspired by the electronic and industrial music of the time. And 1990s electronic/industrial music was characterized by its own technological limitations.

So I have explored what it would mean if those technological limitations of the '90s (low samplerates and bit-depths, shitty DACs, digital skipping) carried over to today. Or even further - if we could exploit those limitations creatively and define music through it. When Stephen told me about the plan for System Shock, he told me to go and grab the essence of what we were trying to do with our Kickstarter build. We decided that I would do a demonstration of Medical's music and base it on the themes from the original SS1 Medical Deck music. I was able to take all of that stylistic definition and apply it back to the original System Shock 1 music. The first half of the track is more 'exploration', using the melodies of the "walking" state of the original game and building a more meandering musical piece from those melodies. And the second half, the original MIDI guitar was changed to a gritty industrial bass synthesizer which is developed and drives the whole 'combat' section.

I'm so excited to be able to apply all of this musical direction back to the System Shock 1 music! All of the gear that I've acquired for the sake of this project was entirely built around the idea of finding the heart of the SS1 music and intentions and extrapolating that past its MIDI limitations. The original music that I have to work with is far beyond its time, and I'm so happy to be able to take it into a modern - but still OH-SO-90s - light.


Streaming Schedule:

In an effort to remain transparent throughout development we’re going to begin streaming on a regular basis and inviting the backers to join us.

Head on over to: Click “Follow” and receive updates whenever we go live!

April's coming streams:

11th Gaming with Community Manager Karlee Meow

12th Deving System Shock with Chris Mansell

18th Gaming with Community Manager Karlee Meow

25th Gaming with Community Manager Karlee Meow

26th Deving System Shock with Chris Mansell

27th Gaming/Q&A with CEO Stephen Kick


Source Code Release!

This first release is the original, unaltered source code that was discovered by OtherSide Entertainment and graciously shared with us a few months ago. It is Power Mac native so will require an emulation tool which we’ve linked in the repo. We have been hard at work updating this code and plan to release a new version of System Shock: Enhanced Edition as well as the code in the near future.

Here are some interesting facts we dug up while working on the code!  

  • The game uses fixed point for all the math instead of floating point. However, some blitting functions, after being optimized in the Macintosh version, use floating point registers and operations to speed up copying stuff.  
  • System Shock uses the rendering-with-unique color trick (similar to to detect object clicks and shooting targets. This same trick is used to show nearby objects when online help is on.  
  • In order to draw outline fonts, System Shock draws the same string 10 times. First they are rendered in black with a 1-pixel displacement into each of 9 directions, and then the desired color at the center.  
  • There are various pieces of code commented out or disabled (using the preprocessor's conditional compilation) meant to deal with a level editor and play testing.  
  • Internally, the game usually treats the screen resolution as if it were 320x200 in order to achieve resolution-independent code.  
  • The game is mostly written in C, except for the physics library written by Seamus Blackley (EDMS, the Emetic Dynamics Modeling System) and the fixed-point library it uses, which are written in C++, and some Assembly modules.

Grab it here:


Questions & Answers from Discord Community

A few weeks back I approached our Discord community and fielded a number of questions that were asked over the course of a few days. Here are my replies to those questions. Thanks to everyone who contributed.


At this current moment in time, how many things are you planning to change within the game in regards to story, gameplay, and level design?

The story is going to remain unchanged but with the additional logs/emails added in from the backers of the CITADEL CREW MEMBER pledge. Gameplay will be very similar to what you experienced in the original game with the largest difference being the UI which is a hybrid of Shock and Shock 2.

What changes do you think NDS will be making with the remake's direction in terms of its style and feel?

We’re going to be re-visiting the style and feel of the original game. I personally feel as though we hit the mark the first time and by applying what we’ve learned while working in Unreal we can achieve a similar look and feel but with enhanced performance. Our intent with the art direction so far is to bring more of the vibrant colors of the original game while keeping the oppressive atmosphere of a rundown Citadel Station. We’re even incorporating some old school techniques like using sprite sheets for the animated computer screens.

While the remake is certainly getting made, I had the sense that it will be somewhat pared back compared to the original expanded-upon-the-original vision we heard about in earlier updates. Will this mean a game more akin to the original - closer to a 1:1 remake, or will there still be some expansion on the original System Shock's story and concept?

This will be closer to a 1:1 remake with updates to the weapon/character designs but without altering the core gameplay of the original. Expect to see something resembling the direction of the Unity demo.

Has the KS funding pool been toasted, if it has, can you sustain the investment required to get to the end 2019 timeline from your residual revenues (or will this potentially mean the project takes longer as funds have to trickle in)?

We still have the funds necessary to complete the game, but the timeline will inevitably move back with our shift in direction.

Is there prospectively more risk of slippage past 2019 (if so, best brace for it nice and early)? What is the exit plan if the project becomes non-viable?

Yes, at this stage the game could slip past 2019. Our only plan is to finish the game and deliver on the promise we made to our Kickstarter backers.

Which people still work on the SS1 reboot, as of now?  

I’ve personally taken over as game director and I am now leading a team of developers, some of who worked on the original System Shock and the Unity demo.

Are you willing to share some details on why/how no successful publishing deal has been achieved yet, and how do you guys think you will still be able to get a publishing deal going in the future?  

I am, but those details will be part of an exhaustive Post Mortem I’ll share once the game has shipped.

At what point in time, roughly, had NDS realized scope creep had hit the project?  

It was soon after the Kickstarter when the team offered many suggestions that seemed great on their own, but in aggregate represented too much of a departure. However, I approved the proposed changes in scope after receiving positive feedback and a verbal commitment from a publisher to fund the game and the new design we submitted. We promised a bigger, better game and we were told that the game was going to be funded beyond the amount we raised on Kickstarter. Unfortunately, that deal fell through 7 months later for reasons we are still not clear on. To put it bluntly, we were left high and dry after making crucial, consequential changes in staff and scope.

My question is whether you have considered or looked into doing physical releases of any of your re-released PC games? If you have considered it, is there anything that made it not worth doing or prohibitively difficult to do? My understanding is it's a real pain to get physical games published on Xbox, but are physical console releases something you have considered or would consider for future console game releases? I'm guessing most of this is stuff you probably don't want to discuss publicly until it happens, but it would be very cool to see some physical Nightdive releases one day.  

We’ve considered it! We have to find the right partner to help us achieve that goal, but for some of our PC-Only releases I’d love to have classic “Big-Box” copies re-issued. We’re currently looking into releasing physical editions of Turok & Turok 2 for Xbox One.


Japanese System Shock Poster - Now Available!  

Thanks to our friend @MickeyWilsonSFX we’ve been able to clean up and create posters based on the original box art from the Japanese release of System Shock. For a limited time if you purchase more than one item from our store you’ll receive a 10% discount.

Click through to our shop to pick it up!
Click through to our shop to pick it up!

Continued Communication:  

Please join us on Discord, we’re in there every day answering questions! It a great place to engage in the community as well as have active conversations with our devs:


Shout Out Corner⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Finally we shave a shout out to our friends at Three Flip Studios!  


Armed and Gelatinous only has a few days left and is close to being funded!

Meanwhile, in the outskirts of the Milky Way galaxy, an alien race of gelatinous space blobs has just been spotted blasting the hell out of each other in an all out war of epic proportions! Armed and Gelatinous is an online AND local multiplayer fast-paced bullet-hell space-shooter coming to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Steam later this year! With 4 years of development behind them Three Flip Studios has taken to Kickstarter to ask for help on the home stretch in hopes of creating the best-possible classic arcade throwback that the world has ever seen!


See you next time~!  

 (。・ω・。)ノ♡Karlee Meow  

Also find us on:

Sometimes You Need To Take a Step Back In Order To Take Two Steps Forward
almost 7 years ago – Sat, Feb 17, 2018 at 12:48:31 AM

Kickstarter Update from Stephen Kick, CEO of Nightdive Studios


In March of 2016, Nightdive Studios released our video of our vision of System Shock Remastered. Done in Unity it was an immediate hit with almost a half million views on YouTube. In June of 2016 we launched a Kickstarter campaign to make the vision into a reality. It was tremendously successful with over 21,000 backers contributing over $1.3 million to the campaign. We put together a development team and began working on the game. But along the way something happened.

Maybe we were too successful. Maybe we lost our focus. The vision began to change. We moved from a Remaster to a completely new game. We shifted engines from Unity to Unreal, a choice that we don’t regret and one that has worked out for us. With the switch we began envisioning doing more, but straying from the core concepts of the original title.

As our concept grew and as our team changed, so did the scope of what we were doing and with that the budget for the game. As the budget grew, we began a long series of conversations with potential publishing partners. The more that we worked on the game, the more that we wanted to do, and the further we got from the original concepts that made System Shock so great.

Ultimately the responsibility for the decisions rests with me. As the CEO and founder of Nightdive Studios, a company that was built on the restoration of the System Shock franchise, I let things get out of control. I can tell you that I did it for all the right reasons, that I was totally committed to making a great game, but it has become clear to me that we took the wrong path, that we turned our backs on the very people who made this possible, our Kickstarter backers.

I have put the team on a hiatus while we reassess our path so that we can return to our vision. We are taking a break, but NOT ending the project. Please accept my personal assurance that we will be back and stronger than ever. System Shock is going to be completed and all of our promises fulfilled.  

Stephen Kick

January Update
about 7 years ago – Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 01:07:54 AM

Happy New Year to all our wonderful backers, we hope it has been a good one so far!

We thought a new video for the new year was what was needed. Join our Art Director Kevin Manning and some of our concept art team, Robert Simon & Cody Williams, to talk about some pieces as well as the process. 


Graybox Sneak Peek

Some of you may have already seen this little area posted on our Game Director Jason Fader's Twitter:

Recognize this area?
Recognize this area?




Q: When is the release date?  

A: We're still early in development. Once we enter our Production phase, we'll have more info for all of you.  

Q: What happened to the old Unity Demo?  

A: At this time, we have taken down the old demo since it does not reflect the current state of the project.  

Q: Will there be an Unreal Demo soon?  

A: We do not have plans to release a build of the game until the backer Beta begins.  

Q: Any hope for a Nintendo Switch version? How about Xbox One X?  

A: It is not off the table.  

Q: Will there be Mod Support?  

A: While we did not hit this goal as part of the Kickstarter, however it is a goal on Backerkit:  

Q: Will System Shock be Mac compatible?  

A: Yes. Mac, Linux, and Windows  

Q: How does the sizing work on the shirts?  

A: We will update the Backerkit entry with a sizing chart for both male and female shirts.

Q: Can I use PayPal as my payment method on Backerkit?  

A: We're still considering PayPal - hold tight!  

Q: How long do I have until I need to finalize my Backerkit survey?  

A: A few months before launch, we will send out a number of updates before we're ready to finalize orders.

Q: Are refunds available?

A: Nightdive Studios will not consider refunds until after the game is finished, as per standard practices with most Kickstarter campaigns.


If you have any other questions or support needs, please let us know here:

Or join in on the conversation on Discord:


GDC is around the corner and so is another big update, see you next time~!  

 (。・ω・。)ノ♡Karlee Meow  

Also find us on:

November Update
over 7 years ago – Wed, Nov 08, 2017 at 12:33:18 AM

Hey there Hackers!

We’re going to try something new (for us) and show A LOT of what we’re working on… even stuff that’s a work in progress. We appreciate everyone’s patience with us as we find the best way to reveal things we’re working on. If folks like this format, we’ll try to do more of these in the future. Please let us know what you think:


Updated FAQ

With the video update today we thought this would also be a good time to answer some of the questions that have been coming up again and again in both our Kickstarter comments, Discord, and other social media channels. We will be answering more questions on future updates or join us on Discord at to talk about all things System Shock.   

Kristina Tomalesky|Lead Producer                  

Q: What stage of development are you at?  

A: (TL;DR) We are currently working on Vertical Slice in Pre-Production.  

(Read on for more details…)  

Game development breaks down into several Pre-Production, Production, and Post-Production milestones. This varies a bit from company to company as well so keep in mind that how we define these milestones may differ somewhat from how others use these same terms. The end goal for all developers is it to take chunks of related work and set deadlines for that effort.

For System Shock, Pre-Production breaks down into several smaller milestones:

  • Concept / Pitch / Prototype - This was the work that was necessary for the Kickstarter. The team put together a high level game design document, established an art style, and created pitch materials including the Kickstarter video.
  • Hold that thought….Change engines to UE4!!! - Once the Kickstarter funded, the team went back to work only to change gears in a massive way. An engine change is never easy but the team felt that it was the correct call for the project so we spent several months moving from Unity to UE4, revising our processes, and rebuilding our pipelines. On top of that we streamlined our character development pipeline to Maya. This whole process made several of us want to pull out our remaining hair, except for Jason that is! We are very glad that work is complete!
  • First Playable - First Playable is unsurprisingly the first playable version of a game. For us, it meant a small section of the Medical Deck, the Mutant enemy, Sparq Beam, door codes, audio logs, throwable items, cameras, detection states, shatter tech, and a bunch of new art and additional tech all working in one build! First Playable also gave us the chance to prove out, adjust, and refine our development pipelines. In addition, being on UE4 required us to redo some things that had previously been done for the Unity version of the game. In all, we created a playable game that had approximately 7 encounter scenarios and had approximately 10 - 15 minutes of gameplay.
  • Vertical Slice - Vertical Slice is a thin deep slice of the game. If you think of cutting a cake and applying it to game development, you look for a full featured experience in a small section of the game. For Shock, we are finishing building out the Medical Deck including labs, vents, and patient rooms, adding in several new enemies including the Cyborg Drone and Cyborg Commander, new weapons, turrets, hacking puzzles, and so on. This milestone also lets us finalize the combat for multiple weapon types and throwable items. By the time this milestone is complete, we should have a good hour of gameplay that is very indicative of the final game.

Once the Vertical Slice Milestone wraps up the team moves into Production. Similar to Pre-Production, Production breaks down into several smaller milestones (Alpha, Beta, Final). We will explain more about these milestones and goals as the project develops.

Q: When is the release date?  

A: We're still early in development. Once we enter our Production phase, we'll have more info for all of you.

Q: What happened to the old Unity Demo?  

A: At this time, we have taken down the old demo since it does not reflect the current state of the project.  

Q: Will there be an Unreal Demo soon?  

A: We do not have plans to release a build of the game until the backer Beta begins.

Q: Any hope for a Nintendo Switch version? How about Xbox One X?  

A: It is not off the table. 

Q: Will there be Mod Support? 

A: While we did not hit this goal as part of the Kickstarter, however it is a goal on Backerkit:

Q: Will System Shock be Mac compatible?  

A: Yes. Mac, Linux, and Windows  

Q: How does the sizing work on the shirts?  

A: We will update the Backerkit entry with a sizing chart for both male and female shirts.  

Q: Can I use PayPal as my payment method on Backerkit?  

A: We're still considering PayPal - hold tight!

Q: How long do I have until I need to finalize my Backerkit survey?  

A: A few months before launch, we will send out a number of updates before we're ready to finalize orders.


Nightdive Studios Fifth Anniversary

Today marks the 5th Anniversary of Nightdive Studios, we couldn't do it without such a great community! So let's celebrate with a sale, all our titles are up to 80% off on Steam:

We are so excited to be celebrating 5 wonderful years!
We are so excited to be celebrating 5 wonderful years!


 If you have any other questions or support needs, please let us know here:

 See you next time~! 

 (。・ω・。)ノ♡Karlee Meow 

Also find us on:

October Update
over 7 years ago – Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 01:20:18 AM

Hey there hackers,


Wow it has been a long time since I have been able to write to you, but I have so much to share! Starting with our most recent interview with PCGamer talking about how we are approaching the reboot, plus lots of new concept pieces:

Now a little something from Game Director Jason Fader...


Fader and Spector  

Hi everyone, Jason here! Last month at PAX, I had the pleasure of hanging out with Warren for a bit. We’ve spoken before, but this was the first time we actually got to relax and just chat about everything. While I’d love to go into all of the neat Shock stuff we were bouncing around, a lot of it is super hush hush.

Warren and I at PAX West 2017
Warren and I at PAX West 2017


I’ll be honest, no matter how long I’ve been in the game industry, I still fanboy at my idols. Warren was no exception. As he would recall tales of his early days in the industry, I couldn’t help but feel honored that I am a part of a legacy that he helped start with System Shock. Most of our time chatting was spent on books, movies, and TV shows we gravitated towards. I would bring up my passion about recent TV shows that cover stories around artificial intelligence, and he would discuss amazing books that inspired him. Eventually we discovered we both had cats waiting for us at home and proceeded to exchange cat pictures.  

As for specific Shock stuff we discussed, I can’t say much. I can say SHODAN is a character very special to both of us, and was the topic of several conversations. If you can picture us around a cocktail table with drinks in our hands as we delightfully discuss the finer points of System Shock and everything else, it was basically like that. I eagerly look forward to more times when we can unwind and share a drink. :-)


Art & Animation

As you may have seen from the PCGamer article, we have shared quite a few new pieces of concept art! Right now, I would like to focus on this one piece in particular.

Comparison of Old & New Maintenance Level.
Comparison of Old & New Maintenance Level.


Here we have a concept of the new Maintenance Level done by artist Robert Simon side by side with the original. With this we can easily show you our direction of preserving the old while still keeping things fresh! What do you think?

Moving on to something a little different, our animators wanted to share something we find really cool and spooky for the month of October.  Please enjoy our in-game footage of a mutant!



The time has come, we are opening up our Discord to the Public! So please feel free to invite your friends to join in the community:



Q: Will System Shock be Mac compatible?  

A: Yes. Mac, Linux, and Windows 

Q: How does the sizing work on the shirts? 

A: We will update the Backerkit entry with a sizing chart for both male and female shirts. 

Q: Can I use PayPal as my payment method on Backerkit? 

A: We're still considering PayPal - hold tight! 

Q: How long do I have until I need to finalize my Backerkit survey? 

A: A few months before launch, we will send out a number of updates before we're ready to finalize orders. 

Q: I pledged at the $75 tier and still have issues with shipping, what gives? 

A: We are so sorry with the delay, we were working hard with Backerkit to resolve this issue. At this time, all backers at that tier should no longer have to worry! 


 If you have any other questions or support needs, please let us know here:


See you next time~!  

(。・ω・。)ノ♡Karlee Meow

Also find us on: