System Shock is a complete remake of the genre defining classic from 1994 built by a team of industry veterans. Remember Citadel.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
April Update
over 5 years ago
– Sat, Apr 20, 2019 at 01:27:53 AM
Hello backers! It’s Stephen from Nightdive with this month’s update.
This month has just flown by and after GDC was over we got right back to work! Our goal is to bring Medical to a level of final polish we can use as a benchmark for the remaining levels. This includes implementing the weapons, enemies and mechanics that are missing and adjusting the lighting/fx.
Let’s take a look at weapons!
The hi-poly models for the mini-pistol and the magnum are just about complete. With the help of the community we’ve condensed the original weapons list down to a smaller, more manageable amount and combined some of the omitted weapons’ firing modes and functions into the weapons we’ve decided to keep.
We also made sure that weapons will share parts like grips and receivers. This will help ground the design with the game world. Tri-Optimum would be manufacturing these weapons and would have the goal to not only save money and production time, but to ensure the parts could be easily swapped in the event of malfunction.
We’ve stayed true to the original game by incorporating the initials of the developers into the weapon names. The SK-27 Shotgun has quickly become my favorite weapon ;)
Robb has been instrumental in documenting the behavior of the weapons - how they will be reloaded, fired, and what those functions will look like when animated.
You can see in this example the Magpulse will share the grip of the pistols but the functionality will be completely different, requiring the user to load a clip, then pump the front hand grip to chamber the charge.
Anyone know someone at NERF? We need to get these guns produced into non-lethal, kid friendly versions :)
Here we can see 3 of the grenade types. We are going to implement a secondary priming mechanism so they don’t blow up in your pockets :)
Justin is working on a redesign of the conversion chambers that will fit within our modular tile system.
Jonathan is working on finishing up some additional props and he’s started the tile set for the Research level which we’ll be looking at next month!
Finally, let’s take a look at what the Groves are going to look like. Robb is envisioning some wide open areas with brutalist concrete planters full of overgrown vegetation and large clear domes offering unobstructed views of the depths of space.
Next month we’ll be looking at more character art and combat!
GDC Update Part 2
over 5 years ago
– Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 01:48:24 AM
Hello backers! It’s Stephen from Nightdive with part 2 of this months update!
Wow, what a week - as you know the Nightdive team traveled to San Francisco for the annual Game Developers Conference to show off the latest build of System Shock, BLOOD, and our first Switch title, Turok, which launched on the first day of the show.
It was a non-stop ride of interviews, meetings, and of course parties!
If you haven’t checked it out, we released a 20 minute gameplay video showcasing the entire first level of System Shock. You can view that here:
Keep in mind we’re still in Alpha and not every mechanic, item, enemy, or weapon has been implemented. There’s missing elements but I think you’d agree that it’s coming along nicely! Share your thoughts with us in the Feedback & Questions section on Discord!
Our first interview/demo was with PCGamer who were delighted with our progress. We received some great feedback which you can check out here:
Next, we did a video interview with Danny O’Dwyer from the Noclip documentary series. It’s not list quite yet, but keep an eye out on their youtube page:
Here’s a few of the screenshots we sent to the press:
Robb was busy while we were at GDC and has some new concepts to share!
We had an amazing time and to top everything off we got to meet Daniel for the first time! Yes, the same Daniel who has been part of the Nightdive family for over 5 years - we finally got to meet face to face.
We’d also like to thank everyone who has subscribed to us on YouTube! We hit 10,000 subscribers today and that’s a wonderful milestone to have achieved.
GDC Update Part 1
over 5 years ago
– Sat, Mar 16, 2019 at 01:06:07 AM
Hello backers! It’s Stephen from Nightdive with part 1 of this months update!
We have been very busy getting ready for GDC 2019 and will have some screenshots and a video showcasing a near complete version of the Medical Level.
While we are at GDC we’re going to be hiding some stickers around the conference. If you find one, take a picture and tweet at us @nightdivestudio with the #remembercitadel to win a prize! (we will be posting hints on locations on our social media when the stickers go up!)
Remember, Remember Citadel?
This could be yours!
By request we’ve formatted this Tri-Optimum login screen for use on all your devices!
February Update
over 5 years ago
– Sat, Feb 09, 2019 at 12:58:16 AM
Hello backers! It’s Stephen from Nightdive with this month’s update.
First, I wanted to thank everyone for the overwhelmingly positive response to the final art video we posted last month! If you happened to miss it, you can see it here:
The video was viewed 108k times and made its rounds on just about every major gaming website. I also wanted to address a few things:
Motion blur is on by default in Unreal - you will be able to disable it.
Props, lighting, and FX are still works in progress. We haven’t even started placing corpses, blood, and gore yet.
We’re still using unfiltered textures - the “pixely” style is there, however, it’s not demonstrated clearly in the video.
If you’ve been in the Alpha you know that the entire game has been blocked out and is essentially complete. We’re working on final art, the Medical level is not all that we’ve completed.
This video was put together hastily for the update and wasn’t intended to be picked up by the press, we will use a higher quality capture method with upcoming videos. We still love you FRAPS!
Let’s take a look at art!
Tom has wrapped up his work on the lounge and vegetation systems which will be very useful once we hit the Groves.
Jonathan is finishing up his work on the Reactor tile set and has put together a scene to share.
These floor tiles will replace the glowing purple radiation tiles in the original. Watch out for cracked glass and leaks…
This is the concept from Robb Waters.
Jonathan also worked with Robb on creating a portrait for one of our characters. We’ll be using the same process for those of you who backed us at the Citadel Crew Member tier. Robb will use your likeness to create a custom sculpt and portrait of your in-game persona.
Let’s take a look at more of Robb’s recent concepts.
The Executive Boardroom evokes the cyberpunk aesthetic by blending natural and artificial materials. Transporting wood to a space station orbiting Saturn is certainly ostentatious and a complete disregard for practicality - something we feel Tri-Optimum Executive embody.
Daniel has been busy using the final art tilesets to build out the final levels. Here’s a sneak peek.
Next, we have some UI updates!
We’ve begun exploring the menu system and how we want to invite the player into the experience. We feel like mimicking an immersive simulation would be appropriate.
We’re working on the mapping display and how it fits into the rest of the UI.
Finally we have some preliminary FX work to show off...
That’s it for the Shock update, see you next time!
January Update
over 5 years ago
– Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 01:02:01 AM
Hello backers! It’s Stephen from Nightdive with this month’s update.
Due to the Holidays this update is coming a bit later than we would like but we’ve got some exciting things to share so let’s get right to it!
First up is a quick video preview we put together showing off the final art. There’s some confusion over the temporary art used in the Adventure Alpha video so hopefully this will clear that up!
Next up is a ton of art!
Tom has been working on rest/lounge areas for Citadel employees. These areas were designed to provide a brief respite from the oppressive cold and brutalist working conditions within the station.
Here’s an example of how we’ll be able to palette swap chunks of the environment so they match their respective level.
Tom is also working on a vegetation system that will allow us to create some really wonderful overgrowth in areas like the Groves.
Here’s the original concept by Robb Waters.
Justin has been working on creating windows that are similar to the props used in the original Unity demo. We loved the idea of being able to see Saturn from within the station and will be opening up some of the original levels to create some stunning vistas.
Some of the exterior bits of the station will be visible.
Jonathan has been creating a massive tileset for the reactor areas. For those who have played the original, they should be instantly recognizable. The red glowing channels will light up in patterns creating a very eerie atmosphere!
Finally, we come to the concept art showcase!
Robb has given us our first look at the Hacker! It’ll be exciting if someone ever decides to cosplay as our beloved protagonist :)
Here’s an update of the cyborg drone. He’s come a long way from his original concept and believe this new version is much more terrifying.
Robb has also put in a lot of thought into how the employees on board Citadel Station will be differentiated from one another. These are the standard operations uniforms - each one will have distinct gear and load out appropriate for their job and what level they primarily served on.
There’s a rumor that experimental weapons manufacturing and testing have been occurring onboard the station...
Robb wanted to add some style, drama, and some heft to the flat wall monitors of the original game and I believe he’s achieved that with this concept.
The cyberspace terminals will stand out from their surroundings with the addition of blinking lights. You can never have too many blinky lights.
Here’s a look at what the station work chairs will look like. If you need a comfy place to rest, maybe drink some hot Earl Grey tea, and think about your ambitions of becoming Captain...well, make it so!